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After navigating the realm of numbers, trying to solve so many equations, and trying to learn so many mathematical concepts, when the person isn’t getting results then the question arises in their head: Why am I so bad at math? Well, maybe you are not a math person.
For some people, basic math skills just come effortlessly while for others math anxiety and learning disabilities create formidable barriers. Mathematics isn’t something that is only about numbers but also about developing a deep understanding of key concepts that have a profound impact on a student’s everyday life.
For some these concepts look difficult to understand as it is some foreign language and they struggle to explain mathematical concepts that make sense, which is normal.
This struggle doesn’t mean there’s a lack of effort but it’s about the complex interplay of various factors which also include brain development and learning disabilities like dyscalculia. Let’s explore the multifaceted reasons behind why many people struggle with this subject.
1. Understanding Math Struggles
Mathematics is a subject that many individuals find challenging including me. Hence, it becomes essential to explore why so many people struggle with it. You can hear in almost every class some students saying “Why is math tough”? Which is also kind of concerning.

1.1. The Prevalence of Math Struggles
If you are an adult and you have cousins, ask them and I’m sure at least some of them will say that we hate math. In the same class, some might excel in this subject while others falter which raises the question about why not everyone makes sense of mathematical concepts.
There’s a simple reason behind it not everyone’s brain is wired the same way for mathematical thinking and it’s important for everyone to understand that these difficulties have nothing to do with a person’s ability in other subjects.
1.2. Why Do Some People Find Math Challenging?
Math struggle in a person can be the result of many various factors which also include learning disabilities like dyslexia and dyscalculia. These conditions can directly affect a person’s ability to learn math and may stem from differences in brain development.
Also, another reason could be that a person’s basic math concepts aren’t clear. Hence, they struggle as the syllabus progresses to more advanced concepts which typically leads to a fear of math.
2. Exploring Math Anxiety
Math anxiety is another significant hurdle that many students face which adds to the “bad at math” problem. It is kind of a fear and apprehension which is typically related to mathematics. While a person having this there might be symptoms such as sweating and nervousness. Math anxiety is something that can affect a student’s ability to learn math even if they are good at other subjects.
2.1. What is Math Anxiety?
Math anxiety can manifest in various ways. Many adults who struggled with mathematics in their school years still carry the fear of solving math problems into their adult lives. This anxiety can result from experience in school, where we all know the pressure to perform math was always high. It is important to identify this in students and treat them accordingly.
2.2. How Does Math Anxiety Affect Learning?
Math anxiety can lead a student to poor focus and understanding in the classroom or wherever they are studying. Students who have experienced math anxiety find it difficult to understand the necessary practices and exposure to math concepts which further hinder their progress. All this combined affects their ability to solve math problems and explain concepts effectively.
3. Learning Disabilities and Math
As we discussed earlier, math struggles can also be attributed to learning abilities. Understanding these disabilities to deal with them effectively can significantly impact a student’s ability to understand and Excel in math.

3.1. Learning Disabilities and Their Impact
Learning disabilities are more common than you think and affect so many students in the same class. They face challenges in various ways including difficulties in learning math. When individuals with such learning disabilities try to solve math problems they might wonder why they are bad at math.
Every parent or teacher needs to recognize if a student is facing such learning disabilities as they can create barriers in grasping both basic and advanced math concepts.
3.2. Dyscalculia: The Math Learning Disability
You have also read this word earlier in this article, let’s explore this in depth. Dyscalculia also known as “math dyslexia” is a specific learning disability that is typically related to math. People who experience dyscalculia struggle to understand and use math facts and concepts effectively.
A person with this learning disability can feel even basic math like something is daunting. To overcome this challenge, it is important to diagnose dyscalculia early and provide specialized support and attention.
3.3. Overcoming Learning Disabilities in Math
Overcoming learning disabilities in math required tailored strategies and support from both parents and teachers. While learning disabilities can make math seem like a monster to some people, it doesn’t reflect their overall ability. If parents and teachers can provide support, students can develop their math skills and learn to understand math effectively.
4. Brain Development and Math Skills
Brain development is also something that plays a significant role in a person’s ability to learn. Understanding how the brain grows and the concepts related to it can shed light on why many students or individuals struggle with math subject.
4.1. The Role of Brain Development in Math
Some research shows that brain development can significantly impact a person’s mathematical ability. The brain is malleable and as students start to learn math, their brain goes through many changes to accommodate these new skills. However, this development may not align with the pace of their math learning for many people out there.
4.2. Key Concepts in Math and Brain Growth
A person who is studying math as a subject tailored to logical thinking and understanding complex subjects. For example, take algebra and calculus, these concepts require a high level of cognitive development from the students. People who struggle with these advanced concepts due to the intricacies involved.
5. Basic Math vs. Advanced Concepts
While talking about the struggle math brings to the table, it is essential to understand the difference between basic math and advanced concepts. These two aspects of math education play a significant role in a student’s math skills and overall math anxiety.

5.1. Understanding the Difference
Basic math involves fundamental arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It has simple concepts like number sense and basic algebra equations, which are typically not that hard to solve, but for people struggling with math anxiety, they can be.
These concepts are the building blocks of math education and form the foundation for more advanced learning. If this stage of students is clear they might not face any difficulties in the future. Students can also get help from a numerals converter that will help to convert ml to kg or some other basic calculations within a minute.
On the other hand, while talking about advanced concepts encompassing higher-level mathematics like calculus, algebraic proofs, and complex geometry.
These topics often required more abstract and logical thinking. It is so common for students to struggle with this transition from basic to advanced math, which sometimes becomes the reason behind their feeling of being bad at math.
5.2. Strategies for Progressing from Basic to Advanced Math
If one has to overcome math struggles, it is essential for them to develop strategies for progressing from basic to advanced math. One of the first steps they can take is to Start building a strong foundation in basic math concepts. To do this, one has to do some practice and focused learning in this very subject.
6. Math in Everyday Life
Math isn’t just limited to the classroom, it plays an important role in everyday life. Yes, you heard it right. Math is all around us. From calculating expenses to measuring ingredients for a recipe, everyone uses math in their everyday life.
6.1. The Significance of Math in Everyday Life
Math is an important part of our daily life as we use it while calculating finances, determining the right measurements for home improvement or anything, or even managing time effectively. Understanding math isn’t just something that you will have to do in school but a practical tool for solving real-life problems. Using this in daily life can also shift a person’s perspective and reduce math anxiety.
6.2. Applying Math to Real-Life Scenarios
Using math in real life can become a game changer for individuals struggling with math and wanting to excel in this subject. When you see the direct relevance of math in your daily routines, it will become a more accessible and less intimidating subject to learn.
7. Debunking Common Myths
When people ponder, “Why can’t I excel in maths?” They often have some misconceptions about their mathematical abilities. Hence, debunking these myths is essential before it affects a person mentally. It will also provide you with a more accurate understanding of math struggles.
7.1. Challenging Misconceptions About Being “Bad at Math”
One of the most common myths in the math world is that math skills are an inherent trait, making someone either a “math person” or not. Unfortunately, this leads one to feel anxious about this subject and find it difficult to deal with, while in reality math abilities fall on a wide spectrum and anyone willing can improve their skill with the right efforts and support.
7.2. The Wide Spectrum of Math Abilities
Everyone needs to understand that math abilities vary greatly among individuals. Some may excel naturally, while others might struggle with and need to grasp mathematical concepts. It is wise to understand that this variation doesn’t reflect one’s overall intelligence or potential in other subjects or life.
8. Support for Struggling Students
Students require special attention and need support to overcome their difficulties and improve their math skills.
8.1. The Importance of Teachers and Parents
Teachers and parents are someone who plays a vital role in helping struggling students. Teachers should provide additional assistance, tutoring, and differentiated instruction to cater to the diverse learning needs of their students.
While talking about parents, they can offer encouragement and create a positive learning environment for their children at home. If both parents and teachers can do this, they will encounter immense results in student’s performance in math.
8.2. Strategies to Help Students Excel in Math
Thankfully, there are several strategies that can help students excel in math, even if they struggle initially. Regular practice, seeking extra help when needed, and breaking down difficult concepts into more manageable and understandable parts, students can effectively progress their math skills.
Take Away
The question “Why does math seem tough”? is so common, hence, it is essential for everyone to debunk all the myths surrounding math abilities. Whether it is struggling with basic math or more advanced concepts, math anxiety, or learning disabilities like dyscalculia, the road to cross this path is different for everyone.
While some may excel naturally, others will struggle with the same topics or concepts, which is too normal. Efforts, practice, and some support from the parents and teachers can help a student to overcome this issue.
Understanding that math isn’t just a subject but beyond that, as it plays an important role in our everyday life involves math and can shift one’s perspective to a different level. With time, patience, and dedication, students can effectively overcome their math struggles, build their math skills, and discover that math does indeed make sense in this world.
Q1. Which is better: math or physics?
It’s not about what’s better but about their importance in our daily lives. Physics relies on math for its theories and equations.
Q2. Why is math important in science?
Math is the core strength of science as it is impossible to imagine science with math. Math is a language that helps decode and understand scientific phenomena, enabling practice measurements, modeling, and predictions.
Q3. What are the 4 types of math?
Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, and Statistics are four types of math that involve a variety of mathematical concepts and applications.
Last Updated on by Sanjana
Loved the article. We are all aware of people scared with maths but Math anxiety is a new concept that I’ve never heard of.