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Russia gave birth to several distinct Russian cat breeds. It is a breeding ground for rare cat breeds that cat lovers all over the world adore. A number of these varieties have adapted to the harsh Russian environment.
Many Russian cats have long hair and are remarkably furry, which helps them stay warm during the rough Siberian winters.
1. Where Did These Russian Cats Originate?
The appearance and temperament of Russian cat breeds vary greatly. Most Russian cats were developed in various regions of Russia, so their own heritage is pretty distinct. The adorable Russian Blue Cat Breed is well-known among animal lovers.
Other unusual cats of the Russian breed include the Ural rex and the Peterbald. Each Russian cat’s origin story is very fascinating, even include the world war ii. The Russian blue, for example, originated near the Russian port of Archangel, just south of the Arctic Circle.
Whether you want a Russian cat breed or just want to know where certain Russian cat breeds come from, we’re confident you’ll find some important information in this list of the seven most famous Russian cat breeds:
2. The 7 Most Famous Russian Cat Breeds:
2.1 The Russian Blues
The most popular naturally occurring Russian cat breed, the Russian Blue breed descended from the cat breeds that were kept by Russian Czars. According to legend, English sailors brought these beautiful grey cats with blue markings from Archangelsk, a port city in northern Russia.
Russian Blues are distinguished by their beautiful bluish-gray and dense coat and bright green eyes. They closely resemble other cat breeds such as the British Shorthair, the Chartreux of France, and the Korat of Thailand. Russian Blues were displayed at one of the world’s first cat shows, which took place at London’s Crystal Palace.
Russian Blues can be left alone for extended periods of time due to their independence. They have a thick double coat that must be brushed out on a weekly basis. They have a triangular head, pointed ears, a straight nose, and wide, round eyes with a friendly, inquisitive expression.
Russian Blues are very social animals, but they also enjoy their solo time and will actively seek out a quiet, private nook to sleep in. They don’t mind if you’re gone all day at work, but they do need a lot of play sessions when you get home. Russian Blues are also wary of strangers and may hide all through large gatherings.
2.2. Donskoy
The Donskoy, also known as the Don Sphynx or Russian Hairless, is a medium-sized, muscular cat that, like the sphynx breed, has little (or no) hair due to a genetic mutation. Donskoys are adorable cats who should be known and loved.
Their almond eyes and the unique texture of their skin and all its folds will either charm or repulse you – but one thing is certain: no one can be indifferent when confronted with such uniqueness.
The first Donskoy cat was discovered in the city of Rostov-on-Don in 1987. Because Donskoy cats are generally sociable and even-tempered, they are a better match for households that have children, other cats, or even dogs.
They do, however, require more care and maintenance than you might expect, and they do not like being left alone for long periods of time.
Donskoys have special grooming requirements because they are hairless (or nearly so). They won’t have to be brushed, but Donskoy pet parents should wipe down their cats with a soft, damp towel on a daily basis, as their bodies produce oils but don’t have enough hair to absorb them.
2.3. Siberian Cat
Siberian Cats are a landrace breed, which means they evolved over time by trying to adapt to their surroundings- which explains the thick coats required to survive cold temperatures. They have lustrous coats and round, curious eyes, and they are strong, alert, and adventurous.
Siberian Cats are very friendly and enjoy being near their owners. They enjoy being with children, dogs, and other animals. They are ferocious and laid-back. Nothing can shake their natural calm and equanimity.
These cats can be content as indoor cats as long as there is plenty to keep us entertained and access to the exterior for mental stimulation. Its dense, thick coat is surprisingly simple to care for.
Weekly brushings are usually sufficient to keep the coat healthy and free of mats. The only exception is in the spring and fall (shedding seasons for Siberians) when daily brushing is recommended.
Siberians are completely devoted to their owners and get along well with children and other pets. This cat breed is expensive due to high demand and a scarcity of purebred Siberian cats outside of Russia.
2.4. Neva Masquerade
Neva Masquerade is a long-haired variety of the Siberian cat breed. This breed’s original appearance as a point variation on the Siberian cat causes a stir: long, thick fur with a crown and ear tufts, a toned physique, and a bushy tail give the Neva Masquerade the looks of a mini wildcat.
The Neva Masquerade has good intuition, making it a great hunter. They enjoy being physically and mentally exhausted by water, jumping, and climbing. Keeping solely indoors is thus not ideal for these hyperactive cats; a secure garden or balcony is far more appropriate!
Fortunately, they take care of their shorter summer coat on their own, whereas owners must take on grooming responsibilities on occasion during the winter months.
Neva Masquerades enjoy spending time outside. They are not afraid of the elements and insist on spending time outside in the rain, snow, or storms.
These intelligent cats enjoy creeping through the climbing, catching birds and small rodents, and are regarded as good hunters.
Neva Masquerade kittens are extremely uncommon. You must not only locate a Siberian cat breeder who has available kittens, but you must also locate one who specializes in specific coloration. Fortunately, once this coloration is established in a breeding program, the majority of kittens will be pointed.
2.5. Mekong Bobtail
Thailand gave birth to the Mekong Bobtail cat breed. The breed appears prominently in ancient Siamese legends, and the cat was regarded as “royal” and given to Russia’s Tsar, Nicholas II. The russian blue cats hypoallergenic are distinguished by their Siamese point coloring and the bobbed tail characteristic of the Manx breed.
Mekong Bobtails are pleasant, social cats who enjoy showering their owners with affection. They are extremely loyal and enjoy spending time with their human friends, which makes them very much like dogs in temperament. These cats are ideal for families with kids and other pets due to their friendly personalities.
When it comes to other household pets, the gentle Mekong Bobtail gets along well with most. However, early interactions between both the new cat and existing pets should always be monitored.
Early socialization pays off in the end with this russian blue cat personality. When you bring your Mekong Bobtail home, remember to reward them for good behavior!
2.6. Peterbald
The Peterbald was produced in Russia in the 1990s through the crossbreeding of a Donskoy and an Oriental shorthair. Although Peterbald and Sphynx cats appear similar, they are two distinct breeds with distinct origins.
While they are both nearly hairless, Peterbald’s head is slightly longer, and has a mustache, according to experts. It also has whiskers, whereas the Sphynx has only partial or none. Peterbalds are pleasant and gentle cats.
They make excellent pets and develop strong attachments to their owners. When Peterbald is present, alone time is a pipe dream. These social kittens want to be a part of every aspect of family life.
Though a little is more demanding than other russian blue kittens, the Peterbald appears to lack hair and thus does not require combing or brushing. What he really requires is temperature regulation. Peterbalds are susceptible to cold, so they must be kept indoors, where they can stay cozy and warm.
2.7. Kurilian Bobtail
Kurilian Bobtails have evolved from Japanese bobtails. They were formerly domesticated in Japan, but after becoming wild once more, they have reverted to wild cat characteristics. Kurilian Bobtail cats came from the Kuril Islands and are still common on the Russian mainland.
A Kurilian bobtail absolutely loves family life and enjoys being the center of attention. With a large head, round eyes, and medium-sized ears, the body is small and muscular. The coat is medium in length and covers the entire body, with a ruff around the neck, breeches, and ear tufts.
Chocolate, cinnamon, lilac, and fawn coat colors are available for this cat breed. Breeders have recently described tabby litters with a warm reddish tone. Adults have an apricot-red color due to color modification that occurs during their first year.
Closing Thoughts
Despite their beautiful ancestry and uniqueness, most of these Russian cat breeds were unknown for decades before being officially recognized. Unlike in Western countries, naturally occurring breed have long been associated with good fortune in Russia.
It is said that owning a cat, especially allowing one into a new home before the humans move in, brings good fortune. If you’ve ever spent time with one of these beautiful Russian cats, you’ll know that they’re as caring and sensitive as they come, and they’re also quite clever unlike some other blue cats! In fact, the more you gain knowledge about these russian blue kitten, the more you fall in love with them.
Last Updated on by ayeshayusuf