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On May 13th, 2023 the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau posted a tweet informing people about an official meeting in Nain, Canada.
The Prime Minister, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, and federal Cabinet gathered in Nain, Nunatsiavut (Northern Labrador) for an ICPC meeting and further elected Inuit leadership from the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated, Makivvik, and the Nunatsiavut Government were also a part of the same.

1. About the Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee
This Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee meets three times a year and in fact, it is co-leaded once a year by the Prime Minister and the President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami.
However, the permanent members of the Committee include the National Inuit Youth Council, the Presidents of the Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada as well as the Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada.
2. Priorities of Committee
The following are among the current and main priorities of the committee:
- Implementation of Inuit land claims;
- Inuktut revitalization, preservation, safeguarding, and promotion;
- Policy Space for Inuit Nunangat;
- Indigenous women and girls who have gone missing or been murdered;
- Early childhood and skill development, education, and mental and physical well-being;
- Climate change and the environment;
- Housing;
- Infrastructure;
- Economic growth and procurement;
- Priorities in legislation;
- Priorities for Inuit around the world;
- Monitoring, assessment, and education;
- Sovereignty, defence, and security; as well
- Homelessness.
Above all are the points that are on top of the ICPC.
3. Purpose of the Meet
The Prime Minister, President Obed, and ICPC members achieved progress on a lot of different issues at the summit.
For example, health and wellness, economic development, Inuktut revival, sovereignty, defence, and security are some of the issues of the summit. Moreover, Homelessness was also added as a new priority area by leaders of the meeting.

In summary, these discussions are an essential step in proceeding with the shared aim of making Inuit Nunangat more wealthy through important and effective collaboration, at the same time supporting Inuit self-determination.
The Government of Canada will continue to collaborate with Inuit leaders to forge a fresh Inuit-Crown relationship and develop reconciliation based on rights affirmation, respect, and cooperation, with the help of the ICPC
4. What Has Justin Trudeau Said?
The Honorable Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau took to his Instagram account and said that they had a meeting in Nain, Nunatsiavut, to reflect on what they and ICPC have accomplished together, to strengthen the relationship between them.
They also discussed how they can make more progress on common objectives like health care and housing.

He also stated that they acknowledge the significance that this work has and that the attitude of the complete government was very obvious. This is because of the number of Cabinet members who attended the meeting, in person and others participating virtually.
Furthermore, he went on to remark the importance of laughing together and being serious are essential components of developing a healthy and stronger relationship.
Finally, he concluded everything saying, all Inuit should work together, to improve their lives today and in the future.
Do share your opinion and views on this meeting with us in the comment section.
Last Updated on by ayeshayusuf