H1B Visa Job And Employers – 5 Best Things To Know!

The H1B visa has to date, been providing employment avenues to people from specialty occupations since the 1990s.

This immigration scheme is the beacon of hope for citizens worldwide, providing employment opportunities and permanent residency opportunities due to this visa’s dual intent nature.

The H1B visa was originally introduced in the US to accommodate people from all corners of the globe. The world is moving towards globalization. The borders of all countries are slowly uniting for economic progress and development.

H1B Visa Job and Employers – Things to Know!

Here are certain things you need to know about H1B visas.

1. Top 5 H1B Visa Employers

The H1B visa has been subject to widespread competition amongst the major firms based in the US to get the best from the foreign talent pool.

While recent policy changes may impact these applications’ leniency, the existing scenario hasn’t downplayed the enthusiasm of these firms to hire foreign workers. Here is an account of the top 5 H1B visa sponsors in a nutshell.

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1.1 Infosys

Infosys is an Indian technological giant specializing in consultancy and digital solutions in more than 50 countries. It had the maximum number of LCAs at 25405 and has the highest percentage of H1B visa holders in its branches.

1.2 Capgemini

Capgemini is an IT firm from France, ranking amongst the top 3 IT companies globally, with its branches spreading out to 40 countries.

It is a 50-year-old multidisciplinary, multinational firm specializing in retail, telecom, and business solutions apart from tech consultancy. It has the second-highest amount of LCAs filed at 17479.

1.3 Tata Consultancy Services

Tata Consultancy Services, an Indian-origin MNC specializing in digital solutions, technology, business ventures, and consultancy disciplines, has one of the highest figures of revenues and contributes extensively to the US economy and is based in more than 46 nations and has filled around 13134 Labour Condition Applications this year.

1.4 IBM

This American Multinational Corporation, short for the International Business Machines Corporation with its branched spread over 170 countries, has the biggest branch and global reach in this list, ranking 8th in the world for revenue and profits. The number of LCAs filed by IBM in 2020 was 12831.

1.5 Wipro

This is another Indian Multinational Corporation with a stronghold in business, healthcare, electronics, home improvement, research and development, and business solutions apart from the IT sector.

Wipro had submitted around 10607 LCAs this fiscal year 2020.

2. 3 Jobs that are Likely to Have Bright Future

Uncertainty is growing by leaps every day in the world in all streams of life. Irresponsible career choices may land a person into unchartered waters, and one should accept the hard truth that passion always doesn’t feed your mouth.

With the 2008 world crisis, there was a decline in the growth of jobs across all sectors in almost every country. You need to make some wise decisions to have smooth sailing in your career.

Here is a list of jobs that are most likely to see a surge in their growth shortly:

2.1 App Developer

Days are gone for traditional websites, and people find it easier to access information using their mobile apps. As a result, the number of vacancies for App Developers is predicted to increase in the coming days.

Employees in this sector are expected to have a keen knowledge of various mobile operating systems. The average salary is expected to be $43,000 for all jobs in this field.

2.2 Nurse Practitioner

Though the demand for computer and technology-related jobs will fall and rise, e Practitioner- Though the demand for computer and technology-related jobs will fall and rise, the medical field is one of the evergreen sectors since health is the 1st priority to human beings.

With the increasing number of new diseases and the aging population, nurse practitioners will see future demand.

2.3 Market Research Analyst

With the advent of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Market Research Analysts will see a hike in the future. A perfect blend of ground knowledge, including target audience culture, tradition, and processing Bag Data to make exclusive marketing reports, will help you get into this job with no difficulties.

3. US Accounting Companies with Maximum H1B immigrants

Accounting forms the core of all businesses and organizations. The records for expenditures and taxation require experienced handlers to ensure maximum profits for your company.

The H1B visa program brings in talent from all over the world to take care of this aspect of your life. Check out the top 5 accounting firms hiring the maximum H1B immigrants – you may be among the lucky ones too.

3.1 Deloitte

With an annual revenue of almost $47.6 billion, Deloitte ranks at the top of this list. The firm with a high diversity and international workforce currently recruits more than 56,000 people with more than 80 offices in the United States itself.

3.2 PwC

PwC ranks second here with annual revenue of more than $43 billion. With as many as 55,000 employees in the United States and as many as 73 offices today, you are sure to join one that you would; don’t want to leave any time soon.

3.3 Ernst & Young

Ernst & Young ranks third on this list, fetching an annual revenue of more than $37.2 billion in 2020. The firm presently has over 29,000 employees on board. And have a fair amount of H1B immigrants on board.

3.4 KPMG

KPMG is another successful accounting firm and has an annual revenue of over $29.22 billion. They presently have more than 24,000 people on board, with over 90 offices in the United States. It’s one of the more popular choices for people worldwide who go for KPMG because of its brand image.

3.5 McGladrey

McGladrey ranks last on this list, holding the number five spot in the top ten rankings. This firm fetches annual revenue of almost $2.7 billion.

This company has more than 6,500 people on board and has over 75 offices in the United States.

This firm believes in employee satisfaction and recently distributed iPads free of cost to its employers. It also has a good amount of H1B workers on its payroll.

4. Why Is Employee Loyalty Important?

Loyalty is the other name for faithfulness. This is extremely important everywhere. And particularly while dealing with employers, it is the most important.

Loyal employees can take their Organization to unimaginable heights. Customers find value in their time and money.  This multiplies as mouth-to-mouth publicity and the number of customers increase.

A company depends on the work done by its employees for the production, services, and marketing of its products. But the company’s image is at stake if the employees do the opposite of what has been described above.

To improve the company’s image without much expenditure, the company should create loyalty in the employees. Only loyal employees can provide exceptional value.

Customer satisfaction is of utmost importance for a business being successful. A satisfied customer makes your company’s image such that the number of customers increases manifold.

One of the most critical components of your business success is customer satisfaction. The desire to experience exceptional value again always draws the customer back to your premises. Well, only loyal employees can provide exceptional value.

4.1 How do you Build Employee Loyalty?

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

There are many ways that we can build loyalty in our employees:

4.2 Connect With Your Staff

You should communicate with your employees/staff regularly and be clear and concise.

This creates a bonding of a special character between employer and employee. This is a great way to develop loyalty among employees.

4.3 Provide a Reason for Your Employees to be Loyal

You will have to convince your employees why they should be loyal – which means they should know the importance of loyalty.

It would help if you did such things to get a good working environment and show your gesture for the employee’s welfare.

Bring some proposals or incentives for them based on production/sales/ services—that way, loyalty can be created.

4.4 Play Your Role Perfectly

The employees should know that their employer cares for them and takes quick and right decisions in their favour, even in the tightest situations. That will help gain the employees’ faith, and in turn, they also have to feel the same way.

4.5 Be a Good Example to Your Employees

Loyalty pays both ways. If you are loyal to your employees, they will have to return the same. Create such an atmosphere that the employee looks at as a guardian.

In case they make a mistake, don’t criticize in front of others. Try to tell them that this is their company and nurture it as their child.

The top managers should also develop the same attitude; you should show that they think you know everything about them. Only then can you expect loyalty from them.

5. The Limits of Employee Authorization

The H1B workers must submit an employment authorization document (EAD; Form I-765) or EAD card, also known as a work permit provided by the USCIS granting impermanent authorization to foreign workers in the US.

The eligibility criteria need to be followed for attaining an employment authorization document, which has been drafted in the Federal Regulations. Employment authorization is mandatory for around 40 different immigration schemes and visas.

The following candidates qualify for an EAD:

  • Asylum seekers and refugees and their children and spouses.
  • Citizens of countries come under various categories.
  • F1 holding students who want to avail of Post Optional or Pre Optional Practical training while pursuing their studies in a US-based university.
  • STEM students wanting to pursue an OPT.
  • Any internship programs with a recognized International Organization.
  • Off-campus jobs due to special circumstances like economic shortcomings during a student’s study tenure in a US-based university.
  • Students with an M1 status want to pursue a practical apprenticeship.
  • Spouses of exchange visitors.
  • Dependents of people working on diplomatic missions, International Organizations, or a part of initiatives such as NATO.
  • Any employment-based or family-based nonimmigrants with limits applied.
  • People applying for a change of status.
  • These people do not qualify for an EAD.
  • Visa waived foreigners.
  • B2 visa holders for pleasure.
  • Passengers in transit through a US port of entry.

The following people are excluded from the EAD despite having the authorization to work under certain conditions as per the guidelines of the USCIS. A few exceptions are made only for employment under selected employers according to the rules laid down in the USCIS.

H1B dependents unless they have been granted an extension beyond the 6-year tenure.

  • I.
  • L-1.
  • O-1.
  • F1 visa holders on an on-campus employment tenure.
  • Curricular practical training for an alternative study regime.
  • Exchange visitors.

Last Updated on by Sanjana


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