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The color pink is always associated with sweet and happy theme celebrations. It is typically a “Barbie Girl’s” color. But ever heard of using it as a sign of protest?
Usually, black color is associated with a sign of protest, but never pink. So. what happened that this lovely color became a symbol of protest, and why do we celebrate pink shirt day? Let us dig into the mystery of Pink Shirt Day.
1. Why Do We Celebrate Pink Shirt Day?
Pink shirt day began on February 23, 2007, when a ninth-grade gay student of Central Kings Rural High School, Nova Scotia, Canada, was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. It was then that two teenage students, David Shepherd and Travis Price, took a stand for this boy.
The next day, these two students gathered other batchmates, distributed pink t-shirts on the campus, and organized a protest against homophobic insults and bullying faced by the weak students in the high school. The protest was held in Foyers, and when the bullied boy saw the protest, he felt a huge weightage lifted off his shoulder.
Since then, Pink Shirt Day has spread in Canada and other countries worldwide. The day has also become a national day of anti-bullying.
2. What is the Significance of Pink Shirt Day?
Pink Shirt day began to celebrate diversity and raise awareness to prevent bullying. Wearing a pink shirt sends a strong message to the world that youth accepts and supports the cause of spreading love and kindness towards all genders.
Pink Shirt day also sends to strong message to prevent bullying in any public area, workplace, school, or organization.
3. Are There Two Pink Shirt Days?
There is a lot of confusion regarding Pink shirt day and international day of pink.
International Day of Pink is an Anti-bullying day celebrated in the second week of April every year. This day is celebrated and aimed at supporting LGBTQ in particular.
However, PINK DAY is celebrated in October to raise breast cancer awareness and support cancer victims.
4. Is There Any Other Anti-Bullying Day?
There is more than one day marked for bullying prevention. The UN and UNESCO designate the major ones.
United Nations has designated Anti Bullying day on May 4. On the other hand, UNESCO celebrates the First Thursday of November as Anti-Bullying day.
World Day of bullying prevention is also celebrated on October 3.
All Anti-bullying day events have turned out only after the bullying incident at Canada High School.
5. What is the Significance of Pink Color?

Pink Color is traditionally associated with delicacy, innocence, and femininity. Wearing pink is considered a weak and mild symbol since it is the color associated with women. The weak are often not celebrated among humans.
But in recent years, feminism and the rising support of LGBTQ have celebrated and normalized wearing pink. This has also changed the perception of being “weak.” Being weak is not shamed, but now it is a sign of sensitivity and strength.
To wear a pink color also represents compassion, kindness, and peace. It is a symbol of equality.
6. How is the Pink Shirt Day Funded?

After the high school incident, a non-profit organization was started by the name pink shirt day foundation to help feel safe and respected regardless of gender, color, race, sexual orientation, age, religion, ability, etc.
The organization focuses on various aspects of people’s lives and has even reached out to 2000+ schools and more than 5000 workplaces.
The organization has also collaborated with rainbow, Māori, and Pasifika To help people come out of bullying and harassment.
Other Foundations like the peace foundation, NZ Human Right Commission, Inside Out, Bullying free NZ, and PPT.
7. What is ‘Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu’?
Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu – Speak Up‘Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu’ is a phrase used by the Maori tribe that means to “speak up.” This phrase is usually used against bullying. It motivates victims to talk to their family members and friends about the way they feel and what they can do to make them feel safe, protected, and accepted in society.
8. What Does ‘Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora’ Mean?
‘Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora’ refers to “stand together.” It is a strong message for the communities, family, and friends to stand together with their loved ones and help them feel safe. When all of us come together and help each other come out of the societal stigmas, it is when we all grow. It is mainly initiated and run by the Mental Health Foundation with the collaboration of other organizations.
9. What is Pink Shirt Day’s Theme and Tagline?
“Stop Bullying!!” is another initiative and tagline used by the pink shirt day foundation.
Every year, Pink shirt day is celebrated with a theme. This Year’s theme (i.e. 2022) was to ‘lift each other up.
10. How to Help a Victim Friend?
You might be friends with a lot of people who are suffering from the same problem. Here is how you can help –
- Talk to them and ask how they feel and if they need any help.
- Help them build trust. Listen to them and make them believe that you are there for them in their time of need.
- Comfort them and make them feel safe. Tell them that you accept them the way they are. There is no need to change.
- Ask them to join a mental health and Anti- Bullying organization. If your friend will meet with other victims and share their stories, They will not feel alone.
- At last, Ask other people to stop bullying! Hatred should not be accepted at any cost.
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Last Updated on by Saket Kumar