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Nature is equal for every living thing. However, humans take advantage of everything and continuously disrupt peaceful wildlife. To preserve a healthy ecosystem, we have to follow a set of fundamental guiding principles that promote sustainable biodiversity. It contributes to developing responsible decision-making and techniques to develop a sustainable ecology. By ensuring that animal populations are exploited at sustainable levels, we can avoid extinction and take care of these resources for future generations.
So, here we are going to review the guideline principle for managing wildlife across the world.
1. The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation (NAMWIC)

Across North America, from California to Alaska. There is a wide range of animals that live. To maintain a balance between the ecosystem and human needs, they follow a set of guidelines. it is called NAMWIC (The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation). The NAMWIC, also known as the Seven Sisters for Conservation, has seven key concepts that support ethical and successful wildlife management. Here are the seven concepts.
1.1. Wildlife as Public Trust Resources

This principle refers to wildlife as a public trust resource. This means that decisions about wildlife management are made with the public interest in mind. As a result of following this principle, we get healthy wildlife and a bright future.
1.2. Elimination of Markets for Game

This principle helps to protect wild animals from hunting. And avoid viewing wildlife as a commodity for trade or profit. Wildlife can only be killed for legitimate purposes like controlling the population and preventing conflict with humans.
1.3. Allocation of Wildlife is by Law

The purpose of the allocation of wildlife by law is to ensure the distribution of wildlife fairly and transparently. These laws ensure healthy harvest levels and protect vulnerable species. As a result, following this principle discourages people from seeing wildlife as a commodity for profit.
1.4. Wildlife Should Only be Killed for a Legitimate Purpose

Wildlife population management is essential to the ecosystem’s sustainability. Following this approach allows us to meet human demands while also preserving the natural world’s sustainability and maintaining a healthy balance. NAMWIC allows the taking of wildlife for authorized uses. Such as controlling the population and preventing conflict with humans. This activity must follow the legal requirements.
1.5. Wildlife is Considered an International Resource

Wildlife is referred to as an international resource in this principle. Wildlife management is often dynamic and beyond geographical boundaries to maintain a sustainable ecosystem. We need cooperation and coordination from different countries.
There are roles to be played by government agencies, indigenous groups, private landowners, conservation organizations, and research institutes.
Effective wildlife management methods need national and international collaboration in the sharing of information, resources, and expertise. By working together and forming partnerships, we can overcome difficult obstacles and accomplish our common objectives for the conservation of animals.
1.6. Science is the Proper Tool to Discharge Wildlife Policy

To maintain sustainable wildlife, the NAMWIC relies on science. Using biological data, population surveys, and behavioural patterns. It allows for more informed decision-making. This guarantees that policies are founded on the credibility of scientific studies and that policy is not related to anyone’s interests.
1.7. Democracy of Hunting Standard

The North American consideration supports the idea that hunting is a democratic activity. Hunters are not allowed to engage in unethical actions. Hunters contribute to the funding of conservation activities through license fees and excise taxes on equipment.
1.8. Advantages and Challenges of North American Wildlife Conservation
The NAMWIC plays an important role in wildlife conservation in North America. It helps to maintain the population of once-threatened species like whitetail deer, elk, and wild turkeys. As a result of following this principle, we get sustainable wildlife and satisfy human needs.
However, NAMWIC still faces some challenges due to climate change, and the introduction of invasive species continues to threaten wildlife. In addition, providing fair access to wildlife resources and promoting public awareness of conservation research are underway.
The Icy Canada team talked to Carly Hill, Operations Manager at Virtual Holiday Party, about the key strategies for balancing wildlife conservation with sustainable development. Here is what she said:

“Individuals, communities, and governments in Canada must prioritize the conservation of diverse wildlife and endangered species through various actions.
Individuals can contribute by supporting organizations dedicated to protecting wildlife, educating themselves about local species at risk, and minimizing their impact on natural habitats.
Communities can participate in habitat restoration projects, encourage sustainable practices among residents, and establish protected areas for vulnerable species.
Governments play a crucial role in enacting regulations to safeguard wildlife and its habitats, enforcing laws against poaching and illegal wildlife trade, and investing in research and conservation efforts.
Balancing conservation efforts with sustainable development is essential to ensure the long-term survival of Canada’s animals and their habitats.
One example of striking this balance is implementing eco-friendly infrastructure projects that minimize environmental impact while promoting economic growth.
For instance, using innovative construction techniques like green roofs or permeable pavement can help reduce habitat destruction caused by urban development.
This approach allows for both the preservation of wildlife habitats and continued economic progress without compromising the well-being of endangered species.
By adopting such initiatives, Canada can protect its diverse wildlife while still supporting sustainable development for future generations.”
2. Approaches Based on Ecosystems

According to this principle, wildlife management strategies should consider the entire ecosystem, not just a particular species. We have to understand how all living things inside an ecosystem are interconnected. It helps maintain a sustainable wildlife.
Management strategies should consider predator-prey relationships, plant communities, water cycles, and other ecological processes. By using this approach, we may gain a better understanding of the physical and chemical elements that influence the ecosystem.
We interviewed Shane McEvoy, MD, Flycast Media, on strategies for safeguarding Canada’s wildlife. Here is an excerpt from the interview:

“A collaborative approach is essential to safeguarding Canada’s wildlife. Individuals should educate themselves on local species, support conservation efforts, and adopt eco-friendly habits. Communities can promote habitat preservation and engage in sustainable practices.
At the same time, governments must enact strong wildlife protection laws, collaborate with Indigenous groups, and invest in development that balances economic and environmental interests.
Achieving this balance requires strategic planning, technological innovation, and ongoing dialogue among all parties involved.
This integrated effort ensures the preservation of Canada’s wildlife alongside sustainable development, securing a thriving future for the environment and the economy.”
3. Combining Economic and Social Aspects

Acknowledging the influence of the human element is essential to wildlife management. Engaging local communities and stakeholders is crucial for effective wildlife management. Economic factors and local communities serve as important influences on wildlife management. Involving them in the decision-making process helps to build responsible and healthy wildlife practices. Additionally, fusing social and economic factors might provide new opportunities like ecotourism.
4. Flexible Management

Considering the inherently dynamic nature of ecosystems, wildlife management requires adaptability. New scientific information is continually being discovered wildlife management must be able to adapt its plans to consider this data into consideration. Based on newly acquired information and assessment findings, management strategies and procedures should be continuously evaluated and modified. This strategy makes it possible to continually improve management procedures.
5. Importance of Public Education

It is crucial to raise public understanding and knowledge of wildlife management. Teaching at the school level helps students to comprehend the importance of wildlife management. A responsible society is one where people are conscious of the requirement to maintain a balance between both people and wildlife.
6. Anticipating and Getting Ready for the Future

Wildlife is in danger these days due to human interference and climate change. We must keep proper wildlife management guidelines to stop this. Following the above-listed principles helps problem-solving and leads to a more scientific answer. Raising people’s awareness transforms them into stakeholders and has a major influence on sustaining a healthy ecology. Counties can take the lead in developing guiding principles such as NAMWIC (The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation) and setting an example for other counties. International cooperation can result in significant impacts on wildlife management through the exchange of scientific knowledge, innovative technologies, and effective strategies.
Guest Author: Saket Kumar
Last Updated on by Saket Kumar