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Yes, Canada is officially one of the best places in the world to live in. The list of the pros of living in Canada is quite a long one.
However, some things would make Canada a better country to live in, because even the best can become better, and no situation on Earth is ever a genuinely ideal one.
That is not to cast shade onto the Great White North, not at all. That is just to say that even with the best things on the planet, there is always room for improvement.
The question sounds rather simple. What are the things that would make Canada a better country?” But in reality, it is not so easy to come to a solution that would please every single resident of Canada, and North America.
It’s impossible to make every person living in a country as big as Canada happy with a unique approach to as open-ended a question as this one.
However, it is worth the effort to at least have a discussion, and a few suggestions to try and make one of the best countries in the world better than they already are. Only a few problems in Canada, if solved, could result in major changes and upgradation of the country.
7 Things That Would Make Canada a Better Country
These suggestions are some of how Canada can stride ahead towards recreating true paradise on Earth.
1. The Railway Transportation System
Transit seems to be a rather common complaint in Canada. Most of the locals bemoan the lack of proper public transportation service systems.
With the advancement of modern technology, a proper transit system seems to be one of the basic requirements of a first-world country.
Countries like the Netherlands, India, Japan, China, and the USA can all boast about having a decent railway transportation system that runs through the big cities and makes conveyance easier and cheaper for those who do not have access to a car, for whatever reason.

High-speed metro rails can be a considerable investment for the federal government, but it is most certainly worth every penny invested.
In a few years, all the money that was spent on the construction of the metro rails can be recovered, and further maintenance of the tracks can also, be done through the daily commute expenses gathered.
The current railway situation in Canada does not look very positive. The coaches are old and move slowly, the tracks are easily disrupted and limited in their reach, which only adds to the frustration of the commuters while using local trains to get around the cities, and the country itself.
Train journeys also cost a lot more in Canada than they do in most other developed or developing parts of the world. This is also something that hinders the people who are not so financially well off from having access to a secure and reliable method of conveyance across the cities.
2. Stupendously High Taxes
The things that would make Canada a better country do not include sky-high taxes to be paid by every individual. Fees are indeed the majority of source of the government’s income.
The health care system, as well as the education system, is reliant on the prices that the people pay, right?
However, it has been over half a century since Canada addressed the taxpayer’s plight. The system has been deemed overly complicated and highly inefficient time and time again by the residents of the country. There have been repeated calls for the tax system in Canada to promote jobs and businesses in a simplified fashion.

Tax compliance is quite merely a compulsion. The penalties for people who evade taxes are quite high and can be expensive as well.
It is certainly not recommended that you try and get yourself arrested on the charges of tax evasion. There is no easy way to weasel out of paying the high and complicated taxes that the country charges its citizens.
A tax review is long overdue and would certainly account for one of the most important things that would make Canada a better country.
3. Revamp the Army
Although it might seem as if Canada ravishingly commands a top-class army with the latest weapons, and the most well-trained servants of the country, that is not the case. Not by a long shot.
The military has been seen flying age-old aircraft, and the manpower in the armed forces is too little to cover the vast population distribution of Canada.
However, ironically as it may seem, the officers who do serve the country are influential with the basics of military training and are very well equipped.
The Canadian Special Forces Unit, also known as the JTF2, is considered to be one of the best special forces units in many different countries.
Although the number of soldiers is not very high, the task force personnel are exceptionally well-trained and are very deadly. Not something which you would typically associate with a country that has a reputation for being too helpful to people.
Canadian army, keeping in mind the best possible ways to redesign themselves, has been taking various steps such as:
3.1 Improved Combat Uniform
Because of drying issues and poor interaction with other operational equipment, as well as discoloration, the decision to replace the existing combat uniform was made. The Department of National Defence expects that roughly 24,000 ICU uniforms will be produced per year.
3.2 Small Arms Replacement Project
The Identification of the Small Arms Replacement Project II was approved by the Department of National Defense in October 2007. (SARP II). The SARP II will be a modern, networked, multi-effect, portable anti-personnel and anti-material capabilities with weapons, fire control, munitions, training systems, and logistic support. Between 2012 and 2022, the cost of SARP II exceeds $1 billion.
3.3 Sniper Systems Project
Modernized C14 Timberwolf and C15 long-range sniper weapon sniper rifles will be delivered to the Canadian army. A new telescopic optical rifle sight, new semi-automatic sniper weapons (SASW), a new sniper rifle for training, ammunition, ballistic calculators, night vision for the rifle (Image Intensified and Thermal Imagery: II-TI), new lightweight thermal and wet weather clothing, and more were all part of the two-phase project.
Canada’s army has a rank of 24 out of the 138 troops that were ranked, which isn’t that bad to be fair.
All that said, pumping up the budget for the army a little bit and making improvements to the navy and the air force, along with new aircraft and vessels that were on par with other countries in terms of sheer technological advancements would do Canada no harm.
It would, instead, comprise another entry in the list of things that would make Canada a better country.
4. Improvements to the Healthcare System
The quality of health care in Canada is good, but not great,” write Health Quality Ontario’s Drs. Irfan Dhalla and Joshua Tepper. “
We could all benefit from a healthcare system that provides safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered treatment at all times if meaningful change is implemented.
To the outside world, Canada seems to be the gold standard for implementing health care efficiently. However, even the so-called best system in the world has its shortcomings.
The system is labeled as decaying by Canadian residents. Patients have repeatedly been found to have a misdiagnosis or have had symptoms or diseases that have not been addressed mainly because the doctors lacked the motivation to look any further into the issue.
The system also does not focus on the importance of communication in the medical profession.

All that aside, health care is mostly free to the citizens of Canada. However, only the diagnosis fee or the doctor’s fee is covered, and prescription drugs are to be paid for by the patient or their family and relatives.
Either out of their pocket or by health insurance or mediclaim. The coverage of prescription drugs by the government would undoubtedly go a long way in improving the degrading Canadian healthcare system.
4.1 The below-mentioned are a bunch of steps to improve the health care system:
- Expand public funding for treatments that have been proven to be cost-effective, such as psychotherapy for those suffering from depression.
- Standardize and embed quality-improvement measures, such as guidelines, to assist in standardising practice and eliminate variability depending on clinical knowledge or resources available.
- Ensure physicians’ effective involvement — decision-makers should include physicians early in attempts to improve health care.
- Use electronic information systems to aid doctor collaboration — a growing body of research supports the value of healthcare records that can be accessed by both patients and doctors.
5. The Justice System
An improvement to the justice system is undoubtedly one of the things that would make Canada a better country.
The system has been deemed too soft by the people and has been compared to the neighbouring USA justice system repeatedly.
Canada serves criminals shorter sentences than they do in most other countries, which honestly should not be the case, even if you’re one of the most beautiful countries on the face of the Earth.

Canadians have called for the rehabilitation of felons to be mandatory, and to do away with the outdated practice of punishments for them. It has also been demanded that the people who fail to complete rehab are not allowed to enter society, irrespective of what crime they go in for.
6. Foreign Policies
The world is becoming cosmopolitan. And intermingling of cultures and trading among different countries is the backbone of the entire concept of globalization.
It has long been called for the foreign policies adopted by Canada regarding trade and relations worldwide to be subjected to a review in an attempt to update them and make them match the contemporary standards of the global interchange of information, goods, and cultures.

7. Dramatic Politics
No matter where you go in the world, politics is a subject that will always spark contrasting opinions among the people, with every other person coming up with their unique idea of the things that would make Canada a better country to live in, sometimes more often than not, somewhat selfishly.
Canada follows a multi-party system, where the two most influential parties are the Liberals and the Conservatives.
Many a citizen have bemoaned the intensifying drama in the Canadian political system more than once and have called for reforms to the way the government is run, with checkings of their efficiency conducted annually.
This is one of the issues that need severe tending to as soon as possible because only a meager 60 percent of the Canadian aging population confessed that they voted in the elections.
There have also been many calls for an improvement to the way the polls are conducted in Canada, with most favoring a modernist approach.

Human Resources also plays a vital role in the development process of a nation. One might think of various questions like “What opportunities are open to Canada in terms of education and jobs?”.
Canada, being the 10th largest economy in the world and still growing, has recently taken various measures to give a boost to their human resource. Some of them are as follows:
- According to Statistics Canada, the country added 290,000 new jobs, both skilled and unskilled, in May 2020.
- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) abilities, according to the Canadian government, are critical to the country’s knowledge economy. As a result, Canada accepts thousands of software engineers, information systems analysts, computer programmers, financial auditors, accountants, and advertising, marketing, and public relations professionals each year.
- In 2020, 642, 000 international students will be enrolled in universities and colleges across Canada, making it the world’s third most popular student destination! International students not only graduate with internationally recognized credentials from some of Canada’s top universities and institutions, but they also have the option to stay and work in Canada following graduation with Post-Graduate Work Permits (PGWP).
Canada has been doing everything possible to excel in the quest to grow swiftly in such a competitive market, and they have been receiving results.
However, it is impossible to achieve success without encountering challenges and setbacks. As a result, authorities must conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis regularly to capitalize on emerging possibilities and mitigate dangers. Below-mentioned is such an analysis of the country.
Strengths of Canada
- Entrepreneurial Support: The Canadian government encourages people to start businesses. Canadian entrepreneurs are more confident (citing less fear of failure) in starting small enterprises or declaring themselves “self-employed” thanks to many routes of tax reductions and tax benefits.
- Growth in Niche Markets: Canada has seen a surge in profit from niche markets, such as the development of Canadian diamonds, but especially in the ice wine sector. Ice wine accounted for 29% of its overall export value in 2014. And the numbers are still rising.
Weaknesses of Canada
- Dependency on The United States: While Canada’s proximity to America is advantageous, its dependence is a major weakness of Canada. Over 74 percent of Canadian exports are sent to the United States. Canadian exports suffered during the recession in the United States. As a result, if the US markets collapse, Canada’s markets may suffer as well.
- Fluctuating Canadian Dollar: The Canadian dollar has been fluctuating (usually downward), causing a schism across the country. Thousands of people have lost their employment as the value of the dollar continues to fall.
Opportunities in Canada
- Export to Emerging Markets: Because exporting is so important to Canada, there is a lot of potential in exporting to worldwide markets.
- While the United States was Canada’s largest ice wine export market in 2007, Asian countries are growing in demand, and Canada is gearing up to meet it. The Canada-Indonesia Business Council wants Canada to provide medical services, technologies, and drugs.
Closing Thoughts
These are only a few things that would make Canada a better country to live in. There are a lot of other things that could be said, with attention to the development of tidal power (given the vast coastline of the country on two different sides) and a cheaper daycare facility for office goers leading the list.

Even the best need maintenance and improvement and administration in Canada is no separate, it can only be hoped that these changes are brought in sooner rather than later.
British Columbia is one of the best when it comes to state purchasing power against the average home country rate and offers incredible life satisfaction.
Let us know about your ideas or things that would make Canada a better country in the comment section.
Last Updated on by Sanjana
I don’t see high taxes as an issue. I would like to see higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations. I think electoral reform is critical to improving Canadian democracy. An Aussie style democracy would be much better. We also need to repeal the Indian Act and give the Official Languages Act more teeth.