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Are you looking to immigrate to a new country? Canada and Australia seem to be your best bet, with a well-defined immigration system that considers everything from your age to your experience.
The General Skilled Migration Program (GSM) is the only way skilled personnel can immigrate to Australia. Candidates have to ensure that they meet the eligibility as set out in the General Skilled Migration.
They also need to see if they can get the points needed in the Australian immigration Points Test to be eligible for a visa to immigrate to Australia.
Migrating to Australia: All You Need to Know
Here are important things that you need to know before migrating to Australia.
1. Types of Australian Skilled Visas

There are six categories of skilled independent visas, as listed below:
1.1 Skilled Independent Visas
The most popular skilled independent Visa is subclass 189. This is the most famous skilled migration category available for skilled personnel in high demand and doesn’t require a family or state sponsor.
1.2 Skilled Nominated Visa
The skilled nominated visa (subclass 190). This is a category for professional applicants looking to move to Australia. The Australian State or Territory sponsors them.
1.3 Skilled Regional Visa
Highly skilled visa applicants who have the essential qualifications and education are eligible for a Skilled Regional Visa. They are, however, expected to be ready to settle in specific territories and states.
1.4 Employer Nomination Scheme
Permanent residents who enter Australia under this Employer Nomination Scheme have a ready job waiting for them.
Alternatively, you can decide to apply for this as you hold a short-term working visa like a student visa or Working Holiday Visa.
1.5 Regional Skilled Migration Scheme
The Australian Government’s Regional Skilled Migration Scheme (RSMS) is limited to particular areas of Australia. This scheme allows employers to sponsor professional migrants for job vacancies. This visa provides permanent residency.
1.6 Labour Agreements
Labour agreements enable employers in Australia to recruit a specific number of workers from abroad to identify expertise scarcity in the Australian labour market. Employees may immigrate to Australia on either a permanent or temporary basis.
2. Courses to Help You Immigrate to Australia

With a strong economy, balanced lifestyle, academic credentials, and attractive landscaping, Australia is more of a paradise on earth for you to study and settle.
Considering this, it is not a surprise that this country has lured more than 2 million international students into making a difference in their careers by studying there.
Below are several courses that increase your chances of receiving an Australian Permanent Residency:
2.1 Accountancy
This is one of the fastest-growing occupations in Australia. The number of global students pursuing this course in Australia has increased by 500% between 2001 and 2014.
Accountants in Australia have exposure to companies dealing with financial dealings, taxation, and record keeping.
2.2 Engineering
Australia always faces engineers in various fields, including Civil engineering, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, software engineering, biomedical engineering, telecommunication engineering, and many more.
This is the reason why international engineering scholars always have strong chances of gaining employment in Australia.
2.3 Nursing
Nursing universities in Australia have an outstanding global reputation for providing a good quality range of undergraduate, postgraduate, or research programs in health, midwifery, and nursing.
2.4 IT
This is the center of all forms of industries around the globe. Australia’s booming economy efficiently caters to IT experts who qualify from any of their universities. They also consider students who have excelled in IT occupations from other countries.
2.5 Trade Qualification
Trade qualification means being specialized in a profession requiring specific training like an electrician, carpenter, plumber, welder, and many more.
TRA (The Trade Recognition of Australia) is a sector of the Australian Government focused on easing the migration of trade-qualified experts based on their proficiency in that particular skill.
3. Obtaining Legal PR In Australia Through Education Department
For many aspirants with dreams in their eyes, migrating to a developed country is the ultimate goal. And Australia is one of the top destinations to make it big.
But recent reports of immigration control are scaring every dreamer away. However, there is no reason to fear. There are some routes of immigration still open to highly skilled workers, which lead to permanent residency.
Take the Skilled Independent Visa, subclass 189, for example. This visa is usually a surefire way to gain permanent residency in Australia, leading to naturalization. You need to find your profession in the skilled worker list published by the Australian Government.
After that, you need to make sure that you score the right amount of points in their application system. Once you have the necessary qualifications, you can show that you are of good character, and you’ll have your visa in no time.
However, there is a chance that your skillset may not be listed. No worries. There’s a way in which you can acquire a listed skill and continue with your path.
4. Learn to Teach and Get Your Visa
Education is often overlooked as the preferred field to work in. But it has its advantages. If you are a graduate or postgraduate, you need to complete one extra course.
It is called the Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE). Once you have this qualification, you are qualified to be a Secondary School teacher, and you can then apply for PR.
The best thing about this visa is that you have no restriction to stick to the profession you applied for in the first place. Once you land in Australia, you are free to pursue any occupation you like.
In any case, consulting a professional immigration agency is always the best option before deciding on anything in concrete.
5. Can You Apply as a Married Applicant?

If you want to join your partner back in Australia, you need to look for a married applicant visa. However, there are different conditions that you need to fulfill certain conditions, which we will take a look at below.
For you to qualify for the married applicant eligibility, you have to pass the following three considerations:
5.1 Marriage Legality
Your marriage must be authorized under Australian law. If your marriage was legalized in another country other than Australia and is still considered valid in that country, it will automatically be considered valid under Australian law.
However, some omissions, such as underage, polygamous, or same-sex marriages, are not allowed in Australia. Same-sex couples are not qualified for this visa and should therefore consider an interdependency visa.
5.2 Sponsorship
Your sponsor must be an eligible person according to Australian immigration laws. An eligible sponsor is a permanent resident, an Australian citizen, or a qualified New Zealand citizen who assumes sponsorship obligations. Usually, this sponsor is your partner.
5.3 Relationship
You and your partner must demonstrate a mutual commitment to sharing life as wife and husband to the omission of others.
You and your partner must either be living together or having a temporary separation. You are also expected to have a continuing and genuine relationship with your partner.
It is important to note that you might also qualify to apply for this visa and it is granted or continue being an applicant for an Australian spouse visa if:
- Your relationship breaks down, but you both have custodial rights for children under 18 years of age.
- Your partner dies, and you have enough evidence to confirm that your relationship would have continued if your partner would not die.
6. Sponsor Eligibility in Australia

Other than your spouse, if you are a permanent resident in Australia, a citizen or an eligible New Zealand citizen can sponsor other members of their family as visa applicants to Australia.
These members include dependent family members like your parents, brothers, sisters, step-parents, step-sisters or brothers, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, and many more.
6.1 Qualifications of Being a Sponsor
So, how can you ensure that your family and relatives immigrate to Australia with you? For one, you need to wait till you have established yourself as a proper permanent resident. That might take a few years, and only when you fulfill the requirements could you sponsor someone else.
For you to qualify to sponsor someone else, you need to meet the following requirements:
- Be an Australian permanent resident or Australian citizen or an eligible New Zealand citizen.
- Meet health and character requirements.
- You must not have sponsored more than two people to Australia.
6.2 Qualification of Your Dependant
The visa applicant who is your dependant is also expected to meet several requirements, some of which include:
- All of them, whether travelling with you or by themselves, must meet character and health requirements. If not, you may be disqualified from receiving a partner visa.
- A person is your dependent child if they are your natural, step, or adopted child.
- The dependent child should be under 18 years.
- If the children are over 18 years of age, their dependence on you must be greater than on any other person.
- Accompanying family members must be disciplined for them to be given access to Australia. The information you give on your application is used to assess your character and your dependents.
- If awarded this visa, you must be able to cater to your dependents’ basic needs.
Down under could be the place that takes life to the next level for you. But getting there and staying there requires your exercising caution and taking care of the formalities.
Last Updated on by alishbarehman